Installing persistant logitech profile 4 Oldn_slow
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Here ya go Oldn_slow

How to install this file

Copy and paist "N Heat.xml" to your main Nascar Heat folder (remember 64 bit os users its in program files (x86), Not program files

next open you logitec profiler and import (upper left tab) N Heat.xml from your main Nascar Heat folder

clik options and select "global Profiler Settings" and chech the box "Apply persistant Profile" You miss this and no programmed macros will work!!!!

clik Edit and select "Specific Game stettings"
Now set up force feed back settings and so on HERE not under options like you would think since your using a persistant profile it will look in the edit tab instead of the options tab for wheel settings

Now after your all done setting things up the way you like em i reccomend you clik on the device tab and select Game controllers.
the press and hold the "shift and ctrl" click on your wheel and select propoties while holding those two keys down this will allow you to callibrate your wheel to you computer with the setting you set up

Hope this helps


Attachment: N Heat Profile file ligitech.rar (0MB) 828 Downloads
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