Community Stats
These community stats are not official stats from HeatFinder or NASCAR Heat but have been compiled from
research completed by community member Donaldson with support from many other community members.
They include stats from 40 different leagues associated with Heat, you can see a complete list at the bottom of the page.

Only league races that are sanctioned by an approved league are included in the official stats.
(This includes special events and approved festivals. Fun or practice races and events that are not league sanctioned are not included.)
The "overall championships" tab lists the overall champion only. (No secondary championships that happen within the same series's season are included.)
The "total championships" tab lists any championships a league wants to give credit for.
This includes all secondary championships and the overall championship.
The "team championships" tab lists team championships only.
This will remain separate from the overall & total championships it is a group effort and not individual.

Only the last segment winner of an all-star labeled event is recorded as the winner of the event.

10 Years of Heat Racing Festival
ARL - ARL Racing
AUSHEAT - Australian Heat
BRRL - Broken Rotor Racing League
CDRS - Carolina Dirt Racing Series
CHL - Cart Heat League
DSS - Donovan Stuart Schmidt Racing
FDR - Flying Dutchmen Racing
FFS - Friggin Forgot Something Racing
GLH - Go Like Hell Racing
HDRL - Heat Digital Racing League
HF - Heat Community Awards Winner Festival
HMS - Hardcore Motorsports
HNL - Hardcore NASCAR League
HROC - Heat Race of Champions
HRS - Heat Racing Series
HVTA - Heat Vintage Trans Am
IORS - International Organization of Racing Sims
IRS - IROC Rumble Series
KHR - Kentucky Heat Racing
KRTRL - Kart Racing League
LCHRL - Legend Car Heat Racing League
NASR - New Age Sim Racing
NHAL - NASCAR Heat Aero League
NHDL - NASCAR Heat Driving League
NHGR - NASCAR Heat Group Racing
NHMA - NASCAR Heat Modified Association
NHRA - NASCAR Heat Racing Association
NHRL - NASCAR Heat Racing League
NHRPL - NASCAR Heat Restrictor Plate League
NHRR - NASCAR Heat Racing Revolution
NHSA - NASCAR Heat Speed Association
NHSTL - NASCAR Heat Short Track League
NHTS - NASCAR Heat Truck Series
OB - Online Bangers
OWA - Open Wheel Action
PTC - Team Pushin The Cushion Racing
RR - Revolutionary Racing
SCCA - Sim Car Club of America
SS - SpeedSims
SUPRS - Supermodified Ultimate Pacement Racing Series
TMS - The Mod Squad
TPTCC - The Pits Touring Car Championship
TS - TourSport


If you would like to have your league added or current stats corrected, please use the support page.