2017 Indianapolis 200 Time Trials Format
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I wanted to give everyone a heads up on the procedure for the 2017 Indianapolis 200 Time Trials event on May 24th a week before the race.

This will be a 20 minute open session - the race length will be set for a session over 20 minutes but drivers will have 20 minutes of time to run laps and pit if they wish (including for adjustments). Time Trials will occur under the 3x wear factor.

Drivers who began a lap during the 20 minutes will be allowed to complete that lap.

The regular race will be set by fastest lap of each driver during this event!

The session will be timed by a League Official, best lap times will be gathered from the game.

Good luck an have fun all!

<< Edited on Monday, May 22, 2017 at 8:42pm EDT. >>
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