Community News
2015 NHRL Holiday Derby @ Jennerstown

Calling all HeatFinder racers, wreckers, and known morons!

Yes, it's your favorite time of year again! On Friday, December 18th at 9:00 PM ET, the normal rules of the NASCAR Heat Racing League will be scrapped in their entirety, and replaced with what everyone REALLY wants to do during the holiday season. The league is shamelessly proud to announce its third annual Holiday Derby...the one NHRL party where the cops disappear and the term "bash" applies literally!

On Friday the 18th, a gang of selfish Santa-hating reprobates will be arming up in the 2015 G3 Cup Series at Jennerstown in a coal-slinging hate-fest of survival and one-upsmanship. In the holiday spirit, the event is open to everyone, provided you bring a poor attitude. As usual, those who can't hack it will go into their holes and hide. Skip this event, and you'll be missing an opportunity to make NASCAR Heat history.

2015 G3 Cup Series Mod:;sa=view;down=544

Official NHRL Website:

Official NHRL Forum:

No rules, no background checks, and a gang of heroes-in-their-own-minds!

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