Community News
SpeedSims NHPS: Season 1 Final Results

In the fall of 2011 we started a thread with asking our drivers what they would like to see in the future at SpeedSims. One of the many ideas that came up was expanding SpeedSims to having races on another evening to expand and diversify. During the development of the G3 mod, Blaxman and Dave stated chatting about offering G3 races during the week. With offering Oval and RC racing. Dave was excited about this idea because it had been years since he competed on ovals, and was up to the challenge to see if you could still compete.:) NHPS was a huge success with seeing different drivers getting there first wins at SpeedSims.

Our champions and podium finishers for each series:

Road Course Series: 1st: DaveO 2nd: Blaxman 3rd: Patch

Oval Series: 1st: DaveO 2nd: Rookiesrock 3rd: T-Bone

G3 Overall Driver: 1st. DaveO 2nd: Rookiesrock 3rd: Blaxman

Team Standings: 1st. SpeedSims/NHRL Racing

2nd Cyber Racing

3rd. Hammer Inc.

Congrats to everyone for making this series so much fun!!!

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