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ucrdoh Captures the Phoenix 100, Becomes 3rd Different Winner of the Year

After having trouble that prevented him from winning last week in England, ucrdoh rebounded last Wednesday night by dominating the Phoenix 100 in Phoenix, Arizona, becoming the third different winner of the season. In a show of dominance normally reserved for fantasies, ucrdoh led over three quarters of the race and won by three laps over Spike. Breeze, ltfireman1604 and BlackKnight rounded out the rest of the top 5, respectively.

However, one has to wonder whether or not the race would have had the same outcome had Donaldson been able to complete the event. He was forced to retire due to electrical system issues on lap 75, after leading 16 laps.

Spike, in his post race interview, had this to say... "[We] didn't get as much practice time as we would have liked, but we made the best of it by knocking a second off our lap times. Unfortunately, in qualifying I hit the wall coming out of turn 4 which put us back in traffic and by the time I made my way up to 3rd the leaders were too far ahead too catch. Overall the Duff Beer team had a good race and finished better than expected due to one of our teammates having electronic issues."

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Full results can be found here. Next week, the 2015 OWAction IndyCar Series heads to Canada for the final race of the regular season at Vancouver, beginning at 9 PM ET on August 19th. Don't miss the action!

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